Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Teaching with Primary Sources Survey

RAO's Teaching with Primary Sources group has a survey they would like you to complete by Friday, January 25, 2013.

The goals for this survey are:
1) to obtain data on current instructional trends among archivists;
2) to identify successful methodologies and resources for instruction; and
3) to identify needs for tools and professional support for archives instruction.

By completing the survey, you will be eligible to WIN one of five copies of the recent publication Past or Portal? Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives, containing nearly 50 widely ranging case studies on engagement with special collections. These books are very generously donated by ACRL!

Deadline to complete the survey: Friday, January 25, 2013
Estimated time to complete the survey: 15-20 minutes

Note that multiple people from a single repository can take the survey.

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