Thursday, June 7, 2012


     This year the Reference, Access and Outreach (RAO) Section program will feature hot topic discussions, demonstrations, and short lectures/presentations.  The purpose of this marketplace is to stir up discussion and deliberation of the topics and issues that excite, engage, and enrage us as RAO archivists.  To make this marketplace of ideas a smashing success we need your help:    

     First and easiest to do, we need you to respond to our short survey about hot topics in reference, access and outreach work.  We promise it will take you less than 8 minutes to complete—5 if you type fast! 
 ·         Second, and still super easy to do, we want you to volunteer to serve as hot topic moderators or recorder (the survey has a convenient place to volunteer for this).

·         Third, and quite glamorous, we want you to demonstrate new or favorite techniques or approaches in RAO practices or interactions. 
o   Visit the RAO Marketplace Wiki for guidelines and instructions on how to submit a proposal for a demonstration
 ·         Fourth, and very ennobling, we want you to do short lectures/presentations on RAO-related topics. 
o   Visit the RAO Marketplace Wiki for guidelines and instructions on how to submit a proposal for a mini lecture or presentation:
·         Fifth, and suited for the wild among us, we want you to propose something beyond the possibilities outlined here.
o   Visit the RAO Marketplace Wiki for guidelines and instructions on how to submit a proposal for an alternative project:
·         Sixth and remarkably necessary and easy, we need you to show up and “shop” the RAO Marketplace as part of the Section Meeting on Thursday, August 9th  3:30-5:30 p.m. 

Need more information or clarification?  Contact the Marketplace Vendor Relations Team:
Jill Severn, 706-542-5766
Greg Kocken,, 715-836-3873

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