The Vice-President/President Elect will serve as the support to the Chair for the immediate following year after election, and then serve as Chair the next year. The Chair presides at the Section and Steering Committee meetings, and represents the Section in its relations with SAA in general and with SAA Council, among many other things. More information about this, and the Steering Committee may be found in the Section's By-Laws:
Currently, there are two positions open for the 2009 - 2011 term on the Section Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is a good way to become better acquainted with the workings not only of the RAO itself, but also SAA as a whole. Committee members serve in an advisory capacity to the chair, and often review reports, etc. from SAA Council or other organizations within SAA. The Chair may assign specific responsibilities to Committee members, as the need arises. Another area of service is to aid the Chair in the planning of the annual meeting.
The election will be held during the section's annual meeting, during SAA in Austin. There will also be an opportunity to vote electronically prior to the meeting.
Please submit names by July 1st to either or both:
Lynn Eaton, RAO Nominating Chair:
Arlene Schmuland, RAO Chair:
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