Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newsletter Survey Results

As you know, a task force appointed by the Steering Committee sent out a survey about the newsletter. During the period the survey was open (October 20-27, 2008), we received 36 responses. Thank you for your willingness to tell us about the kinds of communication you want from the section.

Section members want information communicated to them as it becomes available, and your preferences for distribution were blast e-mail, newsletter and blog. We believe that this means you support a desire for information on a regular, timely basis, and still want a newsletter. Therefore, we created this blog that the membership can contribute to by sending the content to the Newsletter Editor (yours truly). Then, when there's enough to put together an actual news letter, I will repackage the blog postings, with some additional content, into a newsletter. I will solicit content for the blog and newsletter at least once a quarter.

The responses indicated that you are most interested in news from repositories, reviews of relevant websites and books, and research project write ups. You also said you would contribute to a newsletter; a majority of the respondents indicated that they would forward their repositories’ press releases or contribute when they “have news to report” or “something significant has occurred.” I am hoping that you are willing to review websites and books and to write up the research project or local initiative you've been working on. Consider this my plea for help.

That's it for now, I'm sure that I'll have more later.

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