A couple sessions looking interesting to my eyes today:
Session 101: Building, Managing, and Participating in Online Communities: Avoiding Culture Shock Online
Session 104: The Real Archives 2.0: Studies of Use,Views and Potential for Web 2.0
Session 306: Omeka: Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Enhance Digital Content
And in a recent message to the RAO listserv Doris Malkmus shared how Session 404: Collaborative Teaching and Learning in the Archives: Assessment and Insight she is part of may be of particular interest to RAO members:
"As part of the panel, I will report on current research about faculty practices using archival and online primary sources to teach undergraduates; Barbara Rockenbach will discuss the library at Yale's new, active learning approach to user education for undergraduates, and Magia Krause will present an assessment tool she developed to test student learning before and after user education. Chair Peter Wosh will comment on the significance of these findings and fresh approaches. This session should prove valuable to all archivists working in an academic setting and to anyone working with novice researchers or interested in new practices in teaching history and user education."What has caught your eye?